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Monday, November 26, 2007

Columbus Tower

Along Columbus Drive, construction fences have been removed although interior work on the retail areas continue.

Eventually, 48 story towers of 70 and 90 Columbus will occupy the western corner of the site.

The Steuben Street facade is clearly the back of the building.

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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Columbus Tower

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Columbus Plaza

The mid-rise section extending west from the main tower has a mini glass tower on the end now:

Columbus Plaza in Jersey City will be a mixed use rental apartment and retail center

Looking east down Columbus Drive, the Trump Tower rises in the background:

The Steuben Street Facade:

The corner of Warren and Steuben Streets:

The corner of Washington and Warren:

Warren Street facade:

Looking west down Columbus Drive with Grove Pointe in the background:

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Friday, May 18, 2007

Columbus Plaza

Columbus tower:

Columbus Tower is a luxury rental apartment tower with retail stores in the base along Columbus drive in Jersey City

Steuben Street Facade of the parking deck:

The corner of Warren and Columbus, the main entrance to the tower:

Columbus Tower will bring luxury rentals to Columbus Blvd. in Jersey City

looking west along Columbus Drive with Grove Pointe in the background:

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Thursday, May 3, 2007

Columbus Plaza

The facade along Columbus Drive where eventually there will be retail stores:

Columbus Plaza along Christopher Columbus Drive in Jersey City

The western face of the parking deck:

Looking west towards Grove Pointe

The corner of Warren and Columbus

Steuben Street facade:

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Friday, April 6, 2007

Columbus Plaza

The retail section of Columbus Plaza is getting framing:

Columbus Plaza will include retail space along Columbus Drive

The east facing facade of the tower:

Columbus Tower, part of Columbus Plaza in Jersey City

The corner of Warren and Columbus Drive; workers were laying a frame to hold concrete for the sidewalk:

Stueben Street Facade:

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Friday, March 30, 2007

Columbus Plaza, Windows, Sidewalks

The Columbus Tower exterior work is wrapping up now workers are moving on to the mid-rise segment extending west from the base. Window framing is going now.

Columbus Tower in Jersey City is similar to New York's Zebra building. The midrise section is now the focus of attention as the exterior of the tower is nearly complete

Glass goes in on the north east corner of the plaza:

Framing for the sidewalk and the curb is laid out in front of the main entrance to the tower:

Columbus Tower will provide luxury rentals in Jersey City's downtown

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New York's Sixth is a blog for the forgotten, de facto borough across the river featuring original content, commentary, and information relevant to living in Downtown Jersey City / Hoboken.

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All original content copyright 2005, 2006 to Ian MacAllen, unless otherwise attributed.
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